The Future of Comics

I'm afraid we're on the cusp of losing comics and having them turn into another lost art-form in history. However, I pose an idea of how they can remain relevant.

Paper is history, in order to work with the times, comics must adapt and chance. Already I've found promising DC and Marvel Comic apps, but that isn't enough. There is a challenge comics face. If you ask any reader, most would prefer the physical book over having to read it off of a computer screen. With less and less paper comics being produced, and with a lack of enthusiasm over ebooks, I pose that comics take the radical step to add subtle animations to their online comics.

Like a gif, or a hologram, these actions would be looped to repeat, and would only activate once the reader was on that certain page. The reader's progressed would be tracked, and for the voices of the characters, you could even record and have them play out on the computer or tablet.

This provides the immersive experience that comics were meant to be indulged with. Back in the 60's there were no laptops or iPhones to take up our attention, we had to use our imaginations to be entertained. Comics were heaven sent at that time, providing an experience like no other.

To me, that's the essence of comics. It's not about being read on the authentic thin leaflet papers that the originals were made with, it's simply about providing an other-worldly experience for the reader. With VR being as popular as it is, I'm thinking companies like DC could take it one step further and really sell the idea of living inside the comic world.

Comics are too wholesome and cultural to let disappear like this. While their existence is threatened, I still have faith. Many mediums before have adapted and evolved, it's time for comics to get their foot in the door and re-emerge.


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